Since 2017, the United Soybean Board (National Checkoff) has partnered with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company to replace petroleum-based oil with soybean oil in select tire lines. This year, Indiana Soybean Alliance is donating four sets to deserving organizations across Indiana. If your organization would like to be considered, please complete this form by April 1, 2025.
Note: Before filling out the form, please use the links below to determine the correct tire size for your vehicle, so you can include in your application. If you have any questions, contact Melanie Batalis at or 317-840-8798.
Assurance WeatherReady for passenger vehicles
Assurance ComfortDrive for passenger vehicles
Eagle Exhilarate for passenger vehicles
Wrangler Workhorse for light trucks
Eagle Enforcer for police vehicles
Click here for an overview of the sustainable tires
Soy Tire Application Form
Note: Recipients will be notified by April 14th.
See last year’s donations

Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department

Noble Transit Service

Putnam County Sheriff’s Department