Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance are committed to agricultural education and partner together to collectively promote, fund, and assist with several school trips and classroom learning programs with the help of checkoff funding.

Virtual and In-Person Field Trip
In the “Behind the Genes” field trip developed by The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, middle school students will explore the genotype and phenotype of conventional and genetically modified soybeans through visual observation, protein testing, and DNA extraction.
The Indiana Soybean Alliance sponsors free in person and virtual field trips for all classes that sign up.
Visit The Children’s Museum’s Field Trip page to learn more and call 317-334-4000 to sign your class up.

In-Person Field Trip
Learn about our ever-changing planet, how we are feeding 7 billion people and counting and see how we’re leading the future of food at the Fair Oaks Farms Crop Adventure! There’s no better place on Earth to learn about and experience modern farming than Fair Oaks Farms. In addition to the reduced fee ($3) for Indiana students who visit the Crop Adventure, Indiana Soybean Alliance sponsors transportation to help classes get to the Fair Oaks campus.
Learn more about their field trip options at the Fair Oaks Farms website and click here to sign your class up.

In-Person Field Trip
The Glass Barn is a place to learn about modern agriculture, and it’s one stop during the in-person field trips offered by the State Fairgrounds. The Glass Barn is open to the public during the fair, and to school field trips the rest of the year.
Click here to learn more and sign up your class.
Email The Barns at to sign your class up or questions call 317-927-7568.

Virtual Field Trips
School field trips at The Glass Barn are scheduled and managed through the Indiana State Fair’s Global Barns Initiative.
“The Journey of Corn” virtual field trip is for elementary school students and teaches students about corn farming and where their food comes from. The Indiana Corn Marketing Council covers the cost of the virtual field trips for all students/classes that sign up ($5 value per child).
The “It’s All About the Genes” virtual field trip teaches middle school students about soybean genetics and biotechnology. The Indiana Soybean Alliance covers the cost of the virtual field trips for all students/classes that sign up. ($5 value per child)
Email, call 317-927-7568, or click here to learn more and to schedule a trip.