Corn and soybeans produced in Indiana feed poultry and livestock raised in state. The poultry and livestock industries contribute greatly to Indiana’s economy through revenue generated from exports overseas, processing plants, and state and local taxes.
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Poultry Production
Indiana Statistics
#1 in Duck
#3 in Egg
#3 in Turkey
- Indiana has 10 poultry processing plants with 1,288 jobs generated by each plant.
- Each poultry processing plant generates $480 million to Indiana’s economy annually and brings $29.67 million in state and local taxes annually.
- The total corn fed to poultry and livestock in Indiana is 46 million bushels.
- The total soybean meal fed in state to poultry is 780,000 short tons (or 57%).
- In 2022, Indiana’s poultry and egg production sectors used 44.1 million bushels of soybeans.
- 2.9 million soybean bushels from Indiana were exported through chicken, turkey, duck and eggs, of which approximately 37.2% were for turkey meat exports, 46.1% were for chicken and duck exports, and 16.7% were for egg exports in 2022.
- In 2022, Indiana’s poultry and egg exports translated into 5.5 million corn bushels, of which approximately 43.2% were turkey meat exports, 41.4% were for chicken and duck exports, and 15.5% were for egg exports.
Livestock Production
Indiana ranks 10th in the nation for livestock production and generates $3.7 billion annually for Indiana. In 2022, the market value of beef and pork exports to Indiana corn equaled $241 million. Processing corn or soybeans produce by-products that support Indiana’s livestock industry.
9 million bushels of
corn and 59,000
short tons of soybean
meal are fed to
Indiana dairy cattle.
15 million bushels of
corn and 116,000
short tons of soybean
meal are fed to
Indiana beef cattle.
43 million bushels of
corn and 418,000
short tons of soybean
meal are fed to
Indiana hogs.
1 short ton = 2,000 lbs
- U.S. pork exports accounted for 7.77 million bushels of Indiana soybean usage in 2023.
- In 2023, U.S. beef and pork exports used 36.02 million bushels of Indiana corn. U.S. beef and pork exports contributed $177 per Indiana corn acre.
- Pork exports contributed $1.95 per soybean bushel in value in 2023.
- In 2023, beef and pork exports used about 3.1 million tons of dried distillers grains.
Poultry & Livestock Production Resources

Fact Sheet: Exporting Corn through Beef & Pork
Download fact sheet to learn more about exporting Indiana corn through beef and pork from the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

Fact Sheet: Exporting Soybeans through Pork
Download fact sheet to learn more about Indiana soybeans being exported through pork from the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

Report: Economic Impact of Animal Agriculture
Read more about the impact animal agriculture has on Indiana’s economy from our 2017 report.

Fact Sheet: Economic Value of Meat and Poultry Exports
Download fact sheet to learn more about the economic impact of beef and pork exports.

Impact of Building a New Livestock Barn by Region (2010)
Northwest Indiana
North Central Indiana
Northeast Indiana
West Central Indiana
Central Indiana
East Central Indiana
Southwest Indiana
South Central Indiana
Southeast Indiana
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