A Letter from ICGA President Mike Beard - Indiana Corn and Soy

A Letter from ICGA President Mike Beard

As I gaze out on my farm, the ground is hard covered with frost. Sunlight is brief, and the days are cold. The weather is suitable for winter in Indiana. Nevertheless, as farmers, we understand that field work is just around the corner. Before long we will be turning the soil and planting seed.

We understand that there is a season to everything, and right now, Indiana farmers are in a pretty good season. We had an abundant crop in the fall, and prices are up compared to recent years. Many market watchers seem to think that these price trends will continue for a while.

It’s good to celebrate the good news, when good news happens. Too often we don’t take the time to do that. In all, 2021 has gotten off to a good start.

The good news that I want to share with you here is that ICGA has received three membership awards from National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) already this year. The awards Indiana won for membership growth include: • First place nationally with the highest numeric membership increase • Target Growth Award, which results in a $1,500 prize • Super Growth Award, which results in a $7,500 prize

As everyone knows, 2020 was a challenging year with many membership events canceled. Traditionally, these events are where we recruit new members. However, the membership team and staff pivoted and provided great online events along with scaled-back, in-person events that kept ICGA in the eyes and minds of those who were thinking about joining.

The growth in membership numbers is a measure of the value Indiana farmers saw in the work done by ICGA. Congratulations to everyone’s hard work on membership growth and renewals.

Also, keep in mind that more events, both online – and hopefully – in person, will be on the schedule this year. If you are a member, tell a friend why you belong to ICGA and encourage them to join. If you’re not a member, ask someone about joining. We do the work that Hoosier corn farmers really need; watching our state and federal lawmakers while they consider new laws and regulations that affect us.

Remembering Ronnie Mohr

Indiana agriculture lost a passionate and long-time advocate with the passing of Hancock County farmer Ronnie Mohr in December. Mohr was a tireless worker for Indiana corn growers and was involved in farm groups for decades. But he was more than that, he was also my friend. I believe Ronnie was the ideal servant leader.

Ronnie worked with the corn checkoff, ICGA and the National Corn Growers Association. He helped raise the cap on the Indiana Grain Indemnity Fund from $14 million to $25 million, which is a tremendous safety net for farmers when a grain buyer goes bankrupt. Ronnie was also active in his community by serving on the Hancock County sheriff’s merit board, the Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District and other cooperative boards.

A man can be known by his service, but his friends know much more. And those are the memories that I will cherish. Thank you, Ronnie, for everything. You are missed.

It’s good to celebrate the good news, when good news happens. Too often we don’t take the time to do that. In all, 2021 has gotten off to a good start.

Posted: October 28, 2022

Category: ICGA, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - Winter 2021






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