ISA and ICMC collaborate with various on-farm conservation programs to enhance soil health, water quality, and strategically allocate farmers’ checkoff funds into initiatives that improve on farm practices for maximum profitability.
A recent study found that Indiana farmers who adopt soil health management practices see an average increase in net farm income of $46.88 per acre of soybeans and $63.18 per acre of corn. Check out our resources below.
Conservation Case Studies
This series features Indiana’s leaders in conservation adoption. Read more about what each farmer learned in their journey.
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Farm Advisors
The program connects interested farmers with mentors who have spent decades implementing conservation and soil health practices.
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Soil and Water Outcomes Fund
This program provides payment to farmers in Indiana for the multiple environmental outcomes of new conservation practices.
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Farmers for Soil Health
Farmers for Soil Health is a checkoff and USDA-funded incentive program that assists farmers in implementing and maintaining soil health practices.
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Purdue on the Farm
Partially funded by Indiana corn and soybean checkoff dollars, POF is designed to assist farmers with field monitoring, scouting, on farm demonstrations, and on-farm research implementation.
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Indiana’s 2023 Corn and Soybean Sustainability Report
The Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance are excited to introduce our first corn and soybean sustainability report. Though Indiana farmers have a long history of stewardship, we embarked on a journey to better understand and explain our sustainability efforts.
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Indiana Ag Nutrient Alliance
The Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance is dedicated to keeping Indiana at the forefront of proactive nutrient management and soil health practices that improve farm viability and, ultimately, reduce nutrient loss to water.
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Upper White Cover Crop Program
The Upper White River Watershed is the main source of freshwater for many Indiana residents, including Indianapolis. To help ensure that source of water is as safe and clean as possible, farmers are utilizing cover crops as one of the methods to keep nutrients and sediments in the field.
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Conservation Technology Information Center
The Conservation Technology Information Center promotes, supports and provides information on conservation technologies & sustainable agricultural systems.
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Natural Resource Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Indiana provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to implement conservation practices to address natural resource concerns on their land related to soil health, water and air quality, and wildlife habitat as well as implement climate-smart agriculture practices.
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Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative
Through a Farmer-focused and Farmer-driven process, the program works with Local Level Partnerships and others to promote the adoption of practices and cropping systems that can lead to improved soil health.
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Indiana Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts
Indiana’s 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) work at the grassroots level in both rural and urban settings to develop locally-driven solutions to natural resource concerns.
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North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP)
The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) is recognized as a leader in multi-state collaborative research and outreach efforts to support soybean farmers and drive the soybean industry forward.
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NCGA Carbon Market Resources
NCGA has started a repository of educational resources aimed at helping farmers get ahead of the carbon market learning curve.
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Pollinator Plot Resources
ISA and ICMC partner with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever to provide resources for farmers and landowners who would like to add pollinators plots to their farms. Email Coordinating Wildlife Biologist, Mike Smith, for more information.
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NCGA’s Best Practices for Pollinators
Review NCGA’s Best Practices for Pollinator resources.
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Soybean Research and Information Network
Your source for all research, communications and information regarding soybean diseases, pests, diagnostic tools and more.
LEARN MOREFunded with Indiana corn and soybean checkoff dollars.