GrenOl sustainable fuel offers new markets for Indiana corn farmers  - Indiana Corn and Soy

GrenOl sustainable fuel offers new markets for Indiana corn farmers 

Posted: July 20, 2024
Category: ICMC, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - July 2024, News

By Anita Sharkey 

Catalyxx is an innovative greentech company that is replacing the use of fossil-based feedstocks and providing sustainable solutions for producing renewable chemicals and biofuels. Established in 2017, the company’s technology upgrades ethanol by converting it into high-value chemicals suitable for fuel. 

Joaquín Alarcón

During the past several years the Indiana Corn Marketing Council (ICMC), the state’s corn checkoff program, has funded the GrenOl Renewable Fuel Project. 

“GrenOl is basically ethanol that has been catalytically converted into a blend of other longer chain alcohols,” explained Corey Crafton, ICMC Value Creation Research Manager. “GrenOl can be used in the market to be mixed back in with more traditional fuels such as diesel.” 

Joaquín Alarcón, the founder, president and CEO of Catalyxx, said the fuel is full of potential. “We are opening a new market for ethanol producers and corn growers,” he said. “Instead of blending the ethanol with gasoline, we are using this ethanol to produce something different that will be blended with diesel.” 

Alarcón said the company is creating a completely new market for ethanol. 

“We expect this fuel to be used in farming equipment in the future,” he said. “It will help to make corn production more sustainable and provide more environmental benefits. There are also economic advantages. This fuel is clean – it reduces the smoke that diesel produces and is cost competitive.” 

Importance of GrenOl to Indiana farmers 

ICMC decided to fund research by Catalyxx because its technology aligns with ICMC’s strategic focus of increasing the value of corn or products made from corn. 

“Without the help of ICMC, it would be completely impossible for us to achieve what we have achieved,” Alarcón said. 

This project is crucial for Indiana corn farmers, as it promises substantial benefits. Catalyxx is ready to advance its technology by building a commercial, scalable plant and eyes are on Indiana. Establishing such a plant in Indiana could have a significant impact, especially as the demand for ethanol decreases due to the rise of electric vehicles and small motors. 

A 100,000-ton plant could potentially reintroduce 60 million gallons of ethanol back into the market, equivalent to moving 21.5 million bushels of corn annually. GrenOl is currently being produced on a small scale for testing purposes. 

The collaboration between Catalyxx and ICMC has resulted in the innovation of GrenOl. This sustainable fuel offers new markets for Indiana corn farmers and sustainable farming. 






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