Inflation Reduction Act provided $3.1 billion to USDA to bring necessary relief to farmers  - Indiana Corn and Soy

Inflation Reduction Act provided $3.1 billion to USDA to bring necessary relief to farmers 

Posted: July 20, 2024
Category: ICGA, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - July 2024, ISA M&P, News

By U.S. Rep. André Carson 
Democratic Party, District 7 

First, I want to say thank you. Farmers are the backbone of our economy and continue to fuel us towards a stronger, healthier future. 

I’m proud to represent you and your interests in Congress. Under President Biden, we’re working to reinvest in this vital industry, from the urban farm in my home district in Indianapolis to rural agriculture around the state and country. We’re protecting the farmers of now and of the future, providing immediate assistance plus longer-term conservation and climate solutions. 

I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act to provide $3.1 billion for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with the goal of bringing much-needed relief for borrowers with certain Farm Service Agency (FSA) loans. This monumental law also included other efforts to reduce the deficit and lower cost for everyday Americans – including capping the price of insulin at $35 a month for Medicare recipients. 

Too many farmers have been hit by pandemic-induced market disruptions, making this assistance vital. But we also need to plan for the future. Time and time again, I hear from farmers that climate change is hitting them the hardest, with crop issues exacerbated by more intense, climate-driven natural disasters. 

The Inflation Reduction Act promotes climate-smart agriculture by increasing access to conservation assistance. Overall, it includes $20 billion to make farmland more environmentally friendly, including by making farms more resilient in the face of extreme weather. And just this April, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a historic $1.5 billion in Fiscal Year 2024 to invest in partner-drive conservation and climate solutions through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. 

In total, the Biden administration brought $57 billion in direct federal payments to farmers in the first three years of his presidency.  We have much more work to do for your industry, and I’ll keep fighting on your behalf. 

Thank you for your ongoing investment in our state. Please feel free to contact my Indianapolis office at 317-283-6516 or our Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-4011. 






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