Rep. Houchin: Ensuring regulatory certainty is primary goal during my time in Congress  - Indiana Corn and Soy

Rep. Houchin: Ensuring regulatory certainty is primary goal during my time in Congress 

Posted: May 18, 2024
Category: ICGA, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - May 2024, ISA M&P, Membership and Policy, News

By U.S. Rep. Erin Houchin 
Republican Party, District 9 

As Indiana’s agricultural community continues to thrive, I am happy to support our farmers and promote the interests of our state’s industry. 

One of my key priorities has been to ensure regulatory certainty for farmers while protecting our water resources. That’s why I co-sponsored legislation to fight back against the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule proposed by President Biden. 

This rule has imposed burdensome regulations on Indiana farmers, impacting their ability to manage their land effectively. I am committed to fighting against overreach and ensuring that regulations are reasonable and fair to our farmers and producers. 

Additionally, I have been a strong advocate and proudly supported H.R. 809, the Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act, as an original cosponsor. This bill aims to prevent foreign entities, particularly the Chinese government, from acquiring agricultural land in the United States, safeguarding our nation’s food security, and preserving family farms. 

In collaboration with Indiana farmers and other stakeholders, I have submitted proposals for the 2024 Farm Bill based on their feedback and priorities. 

These submissions reflect the needs and concerns, including provisions to support crop insurance, conservation programs, and rural development initiatives. It is essential that the farm bill reflects the realities of Indiana agriculture and provides our farmers with the tools they need to succeed. 

We are fortunate to have an Indiana delegation in Congress that understands the needs of our agricultural community. By working together, we have amplified the voices of producers like you and advanced policies that benefit your operations, our communities, and uphold the proud agricultural tradition of our state. 






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