IDEM works to ensure Hoosier farms comply with state, federal guidelines  - Indiana Corn and Soy

IDEM works to ensure Hoosier farms comply with state, federal guidelines 

Posted: November 24, 2023
Category: ICMC, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - Winter 2023, ISA, News

By IDEM Staff 

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is a cornerstone when it comes to implementing environmentally sound policies that protect the environment and human health. 

In 1985, the Indiana General Assembly reorganized the state environmental programs previously implemented by the Indiana State Board of Health and enforced under the direction and authority of the Environmental Management Board, the Stream Pollution Control Board and the Air Pollution Control Board. IDEM began operating in July 1986. 

IDEM recognizes the importance of the agricultural industry in Indiana. Indiana is a proud home to more than 55,000 farming operations, which provide a vital agricultural base for Hoosiers and contributes roughly $35 billion to the state’s economy. Partnerships between the agency and the ag industry allow for a prosperous business climate while protecting Indiana’s natural resources. 

IDEM works hand-in-hand with agricultural producers to ensure their operations fall within state and federal guidelines. 

The agency’s dedicated agricultural liaison provides essential support and guidance to industry professionals. The agricultural liaison also assists farmers in adopting individualized methods and technologies that provide sustainable practices within the agricultural sector. 

In addition to the agricultural liaison, IDEM’s Office of Program Support hosts the Compliance & Technical Assistance Program (CTAP). CTAP’s nine staff members across the state offer free, confidential compliance assistance to Indiana’s regulated entities to maintain compliance as well as benefit from technical support for implementing pollution prevention efforts. 

IDEM is responsible for issuing air, water and hazardous waste permits that ensure discharges are at environmentally safe levels for Hoosiers across the state. Through the offices of Air, Land and Water Quality, agency staff work diligently to inspect and monitor sites to ensure compliance is being maintained by the regulated community. 

IDEM seeks Hoosiers’ input in a crucial discussion on optimizing the utilization of federal grant funding. The agency was awarded $3 million in initial planning to conduct greenhouse gas emissions inventory and develop a Priority Climate Action Plan. 

Under federal law, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) delegated authority to IDEM to administer certain federal environmental programs. Every two years, both agencies negotiate a Performance Partnership Agreement (PPA) that identifies not only IDEM’s priorities, but joint priorities with U.S. EPA and objectives between the two agencies. The PPA helps to direct federal resources toward the state’s most pressing environmental issues. 

Currently, IDEM is seeking Hoosiers’ input in a crucial discussion on optimizing the utilization of federal grant funding. The agency was awarded $3 million in initial planning to conduct greenhouse gas emissions inventory and develop a Priority Climate Action Plan. 

IDEM recognizes the importance of gathering diverse perspectives and innovative ideas for our future. 

Farmers can get more information and provide feedback here.  






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