Indiana General Assembly to consider several farm-related bills in this session  - Indiana Corn and Soy

Indiana General Assembly to consider several farm-related bills in this session 

Posted: January 13, 2024
Category: Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - January 2024, ISA, Membership and Policy

By Joe Stoller, Chair, ISA Membership & Policy Committee 

Happy New Year! I hope you’re off to a great 2024. There are many things to look forward to in this new year. For me, that includes a new role on the soybean policy committee. The directors of the Indiana Soybean Alliance Membership & Policy Committee (M&P) honored me with the title of M&P Committee chair for 2024. 

I’m very excited about this opportunity. I’m interested in politics and farm policy issues. I firmly believe that farmers need to be involved in the legislative process. We are the only ones who can recognize and explain the benefits and unintended consequences of ag policy proposals at the state and federal level. 

First, let me introduce myself. I grow soybeans and corn on my farm in Marshall and Elkhart counties near Bremen, Ind. I am a 2009 graduate of Colorado State University with degrees in agricultural economics and business administration. I am a full-time farmer, and I’ve been running my farm since 2010. I was first elected to the Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) Board in 2019. 

Earlier this month, the 2024 session of the Indiana General Assembly opened with several bills that could affect Hoosier farmers in the near future. Our policy staff, led by M&P Senior Director of Industry Affairs Steve Howell, have been closely watching the progress of these bills. 

As I said earlier, farmers need to get involved in these discussions. M&P will create several opportunities for farmers to interact with lawmakers this year. The first will be the Bacon Bar and Brunch at the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis from 8-10 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 5. This is a great annual event that allows us to talk policy with state lawmakers over plates of bacon and other farm-raised, breakfast foods. For free registration to this brunch, go online to

Many of the farm-related proposals in this year’s Assembly are good for agriculture and have the support of M&P. And there are others that require more analysis. Here is a summary of the bills we’re watching: 

  • HB1315 Biofuel Tax Credits – Authored by Rep. Craig Snow (R-Warsaw), this bill provides tax credits for the sale of blended biodiesel or renewable diesel and the blending of biodiesel or renewable diesel. The bill also provides tax credits for the sale of higher ethanol blends. M&P supports this bill. 
  • HB1155 Right to Repair – Authored by Rep. Robb Greene (R-Shelbyville), this bill requires farm equipment manufacturers that sell in Indiana to provide buyers of equipment with information on the maintenance and repair of that equipment. The manufacturers must also make parts and tools for these repairs available for purchase. There would be penalties for manufacturers that fail to offer these services. M&P supports this bill. 
  • SB105 Updated Indiana Drainage Handbook – Authored by Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg), this bill requires the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) to oversee the preparation and publication of an updated version of the Indiana Drainage Handbook. The bill instructs ISDA to hire a contractor to write the update and to appoint an advisory board from specific groups to oversee the Handbook’s update. M&P supports this bill. 

There are many more bills to follow. When you become a member of M&P, you will receive weekly updates of bills moving through the Indiana Statehouse during this year’s session. 

I will close with this invitation. If you are curious about becoming a member or representing agriculture in the political arena, then attend and participate in the Bacon Bar and Brunch on Feb. 5 or visit one of our other events throughout the year. Let’s get 2024 off to a great start. 






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