ISA directors participate in trade mission and conference in Colombia - Indiana Corn and Soy

ISA directors participate in trade mission and conference in Colombia

By Anita Sharkey

Farmer Board members from Indiana Soybean Alliance recently participated in U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)’s QSSB Trade Mission and the Americas Agricultural Cooperators Conference in Bogota, Colombia. These events, representing the interests of Indiana farmers and fostering international collaborations took place June 11-14. 

The Americas Agricultural Cooperators Conference is the signature event organized by the Americas Region of USSEC. This conference serves as a vital platform for building relationships and exploring business opportunities. The goal is to connect key decision-makers from across the Americas, share updated market information, and discuss future trends. The event also aims to elevate the preference for U.S. Soy and reinforce free market access in our markets. Participants at the conference engaged in discussions and presentations on U.S. soy production, global geopolitics, risk analysis, sustainability, and market trends. 

The Indiana Soybean Alliance is committed to ensuring that our farmers have a voice in the global market. ISA participates in the QSSB Trade Mission and the Americas Agricultural Cooperators Conference to: 

  • Strengthen Partnerships: Build and maintain relationships with key industry players in the Americas region. 
  • Share Knowledge: Exchange insights and learn from international growers and industry experts. 
  • Promote U.S. Soy: Showcase the quality and reliability of U.S. soybean products. 
  • Identify Opportunities: Explore new business opportunities that can benefit Indiana farmers. 

ISA was well-represented by several board members: Chris Eck, Boggstown; Mike Koehne, Greensburg; Larry Rusch, Vincennes; Roger Wenning, Greensburg; and Phil Ramsey, Shelbyville.

A special highlight of the conference was Mike Koehne, ISA Director, USSEC Director, and American Soybean Association (ASA) Director, delivering the closing remarks on the first day. Phil Ramsey, Indiana farmer and ASA Director, also spoke during a farmer panel to share valuable insights with the guests. 

He emphasized the importance of the conference in fostering shared insights and valuable industry knowledge. 

“You are all to be commended for your tremendous commitment and dedication to growing, expanding and stretching your already robust knowledge and perspective,” he said. “Likewise, the U.S. soybean industry is steadfast in our unwavering commitment to the partnerships and friendships we’ve formed in the region, and we are equally dedicated to providing you with the highest quality soybean products.” 

He added that the Cooperators Conference is a testament to that shared resolution toward furthering and harnessing the tremendous growth and opportunity in Americas agriculture. He also highlighted the unwavering commitment of the U.S. soybean industry to partnerships in the region and the provision of high-quality soybean products. 

Participating in these overseas events directly benefits Indiana farmers by: 

  • Enhancing Market Access: Strengthening trade relationships can open new markets for Indiana soybeans. 
  • Providing Insights: Learning about global market trends and consumer preferences helps farmers make informed decisions. 
  • Building Networks: Establishing connections with international stakeholders can lead to new business opportunities and collaborations. 

Stay tuned for more updates as our ISA Board members continue to engage with industry leaders and explore new opportunities for Indiana farmers.

Posted: July 20, 2024

Category: Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - July 2024, ISA, Market Development, News, Sustainability, USSEC






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