Purdue on the Farm, ISA and ICMC bringing new signs to Indiana fields  - Indiana Corn and Soy

Purdue on the Farm, ISA and ICMC bringing new signs to Indiana fields 

By Scott Gabbard, MS CCA 
Purdue On The Farm Senior Administrator 

Many of you may have noticed signs driving down county roads throughout the state this summer with Purdue On The Farm, Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) and Indiana Corn Marketing Council (ICMC) logos on them. Peppered throughout Indiana on back roads and state roads, Purdue Extension personnel have partnered with local farmers to scout fields throughout the growing season. 

In these fields, Purdue Extension Educators and staff visit at least three times during the growing season. Each field has been scouted via drone at least once. All are walked. The first round of scouting happens after emergence but before V4, weather permitting. Stand counts are conducted. Stratified soil samples are taken. Weed, disease and emergence issue are noted, if applicable. 

The second round of scouting is done around full bloom to pod set or silking to blister (R2-R3). At this time, the uppermost mature trifoliate or ear leaf samples are gathered for tissue analysis. Silk clipping, disease and/or weed pressures are noted. 

The third round of scouting is being conducted as I type with the crop maturing but right before leaf senescence or black layer. Yield assessments are made while harvest challenges are being scouted. Scouts are looking specifically for pod damage, stalk rots, ear diseases and other issues that may affect the crops’ harvestability or long-term storage. 

Many samples are sent to the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic lab for confirmation throughout the growing season and contribute to the nationwide disease databases as well as assisting the farmer, educator and state specialists. Examples such as tar spot or white mold are sent in for confirmation, which is then logged, and the county is confirmed. These samples may be sent in during any phase of the growing season as we watch and catalogue the crop’s progress. 

There may be more happening in those fields than meets the eye. In some, we are also conducting research or demonstration trials such as plant population, biologicals or cover crops. Some of these are an extension of studies coordinated by Purdue State Specialists while others are “what-ifs” derived from conversations between the extension educator and the farmer. 

We’re wrapping up our second full season of scouting and our first season of the signs made possible by ISA and ICMC. Here are some 2023 quick stats: 

  • For soybean, 22 Educators partnered with 25 farmers on 27 fields in 19 counties, scouting more than 1,386 acres. 
  • For corn, 18 Educators partnered with 22 farmers on 25 fields in 16 counties, scouting 1,069 acres. 

You will see and hear more about Purdue On The Farm as time progresses and as the program matures. We appreciate the cooperation with Indiana corn and soybean farmers, ISA and ICMC allowing us to get research into and information out of the fields, faster. 

Posted: September 18, 2024

Category: ICMC, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - September 2024, ISA, News, Sustainability






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