What Impacts Do Farm Bill Changes Have on Hoosier Farmers? - Indiana Corn and Soy

What Impacts Do Farm Bill Changes Have on Hoosier Farmers?

The farm bill is an omnibus, multiyear law that governs an array of agricultural and food programs. Indiana Corn Growers Association and Indiana Soybean Alliance works to engage policymakers and advocate for Hoosier corn and soybean growers’ farm bill priorities.

The 2018 farm bill expired on September 30th – so what does that mean for farmers?

  • Some programs, like crop insurance, are permanently authorized, do not expire and will not be affected.
  • Some conservation programs are extended through FY2031 by other legislation, like the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) may continue with discretionary funds.
  • Programs with mandatory funding provided by the farm bill cease to operate until a new farm bill is in place.

Our Farm Bill Priorities

The Farm Bill is important to the future of Indiana agriculture. More than 80% of Indiana’s land is devoted to farms and forests. Indiana corn and soybeans collectively account for more than $6 Billion in exports in Indiana and every 10 jobs are tied directly to agriculture supports 8 additional jobs in Indiana. That is why Indiana Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and Indiana Soybean Alliance Membership and Policy (ISA M&P) are advocating for the a strong farm bill that fosters Indiana agriculture.

The paid membership of corn and soybean growers empowers the Indiana Soybean Alliance Membership and Policy and Indiana Corn Growers Association to positively influence policy and regulatory matters impacting the U.S. soybean and corn industry. No matter if you are an Indiana grower or a non-grower looking to support Indiana farmers, there is a membership made for you. Join forces with farmers across the state of Indiana to collectively advocate for better farm policy.

Posted: October 13, 2023

Category: ICGA, ISA, News






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