Baird, Hollingsworth highlight pre-plant activities for ICGA, ISA
Members of Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) and Indiana Corn Growers Association (ICGA) wrapped up the spring advocacy push before #Plant21 was in full swing. On Tuesday, April 6, farmers in northern Indiana were joined by members of the Indiana Dairy Producers for a roundtable discussion with U.S. Rep. Jim Baird (R-4th Dist.) to discuss infrastructure, precision farming technology and new research, farm labor needs and fiscal policy.
“Rep. Baird is a valuable member of Congress for all Indiana farmers, and I think that’s because he is an Indiana farmer,” said ICGA President Mike Beard, a farmer from Frankfort, Ind. “Rep. Baird is a vocal and knowledgeable member of the House Ag Committee. With his experience as a farmer and a state and federal lawmaker, he can communicate our views to others in Congress very well.”
The Baird event was at Fair Oaks Farms and sponsored by Farm Credit Mid- America.
“Events like these are valuable for Indiana farmers,” Baird added. “I’m very happy that we have a representative in Congress like Jim Baird who is so willing to meet and talk with farmers.”
On Wednesday, April 7, corn and soybean farmers in southern Indiana and members of the Indiana State Poultry Association met with U.S. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-9th Dist.) to talk about logistics and inland waterways, the food value chain, and the impact of tax policy on farm management and planning. The event was at Premier Ag’s new headquarters in Seymour and sponsored by Farm Credit Mid-America. Afterward, Rep. Hollingsworth was able to tour the Rose Acre Farm egg production farm.

“It was great to meet up with Rep. Hollingsworth and talk ag policy concerns with him. We talked about infrastructure, trade, farm bill 23 and many other issues,” said Greensburg, Ind., farmer Mike Koehne, who is also the chair of ISA’s Membership and Policy Committee. “It is good to have these conversations with our elected officials and to have the voices of the farm community heard. It is even better to have them in person. I want to thank Rep. Hollingsworth for taking the time to visit with us, and I want to thank the sponsors that were there.
“Remember this is paid by farmer membership dollars and not checkoff dollars. Without memberships, we can’t do this work. I encourage Indiana farmers to become members. Upcoming legislation at the state and federal level will impact our farms. It is more important now than ever to become a member.”
These events finished up the ISA and ICGA farmer-led advocacy for the pre-plant season. ISA and ICGA staff will continue to keep the lines of communication open with members of Congress. More farmer-led advocacy will resume in the summer months.
Anyone interested in being part of ISA and ICGA Congressional advocacy efforts should reach out to Senior Director of Industry Affairs Steve Howell at
Posted: April 21, 2022
Category: ICGA, Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - Spring 2021, ISA, News