Proud to serve in Congress, but prefer Washington County to Washington, D.C. - Indiana Corn and Soy

Proud to serve in Congress, but prefer Washington County to Washington, D.C.

Republican, Indiana District 9

Though I enjoy being your representative in Congress, I do like Washington County much better than Washington, D.C. I prefer the beauty of our farmland, the pace of the lifestyle, and the work ethic born of a relationship with the land. I’m proud to live in and represent an agricultural district, and I always keep that in mind when I work in D.C.

I am in-district in southern Indiana as often as possible. Not only am I personally enmeshed in the farming community, I meet regularly with our farmers. During recent weeks, I visited Rose Acre Farms in Seymour and Spreen Farms in Williams, where we discussed issues faced by these farmers every day.

I appreciate organizations like the Indiana Soybean Alliance for hosting discussions to keep me in touch with farmers’ needs.

The 2023 Farm Bill is on the top of everyone’s mind. The feedback I have received from farmers is that they want certainty. That means not only the predictability that comes with efficiently passing the legislation, but also provisions that help with managing risk.

I know that farmers face the whims of the weather and the volatility of markets. This is particularly difficult for young farmers who have more difficulty enduring setbacks. Please rest assured that I am working with Ag Committee Chairman U.S. Rep. G.T. Thompson (D-Ga.) to achieve certainty in the process and the outcome.

As you all know, the farm bill is expansive and will have many provisions that relate to the committees on which I currently serve. As a member of the House Financial Services Committee, I will examine the credit and loan titles of the farm bill and any rural housing and development provisions. These are essential to how farmers manage finances and workforce issues.

In my position on the Education and Workforce Committee, I will also seek opportunities to impact workforce and agricultural education provisions to make sure our agricultural workforce is prepared to meet the challenges of the
future. I also have an extensive background in broadband development, an infrastructure piece that I know is critical for farmers, particularly in southeastern Indiana. I will be seeking ways to improve access in this area.

As the farm bill moves through the process my priority is to provide certainty and opportunity to southern Indiana farmers. Indiana farms have a deep-rooted tradition of keeping our families fed and our nation strong.

I love being home in southern Indiana because of our beautiful farms and hardworking people. I promise to work tirelessly – just as you do every day – to ensure our farmers are prioritized and supported in Congress.

Posted: May 3, 2023

Category: Indiana Corn and Soybean Post - Spring 2023, ISA, News






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